Episode #351: Reach Peak Performance with Matt Belair

Matthew Belair is a life long martial artist, knowledge seeker and explorer. He has travelled the world to train with masters, which include meditating with monks in Nepal, training MMA in Thailand and trekking Mount Everest and studying Shaolin Kung Fu with 34th Generation Shaolin Masters in China.

He shares his knowledge in his podcast, the Matt Belair Podcast: Master Mind, Body & Spirit, as well as his coaching, workshops and programs.

He’s the author of Zen Athlete: A Guide to Self Mastery, which demystifies the art of mental training, flow and peak performance. It is designed to empower world class athletes, leaders, executives, peak performance junkies and knowledge seekers with tried and tested strategies for achieving your highest potential in all areas of life.

Matt and I covered a lot of ground in this conversation, including near death experiences, flow states, how to smash self limiting beliefs, how to overcome fears, visualisation, meditation, habit forming, the philosopher of happiness - Epicurus, native elders, mixed martial arts, snowboarding, Australian motorcross champions and a hell of a lot more…

So strap yourself in with a conversation with the Zen Athlete, Matt Belair.

Show Notes:

Web: Mattbelair.com

Web: Mattbelair.com/masters-your-flow/

Web: Zenathlete.com

Book: https://amzn.to/2XB2R9j

Twitter: @Matt_Belair

Instagram: @Mattbelair


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