Once I get that girl, then I’ll be happy.

Once I get that girl, then I'll be happy.

Once I make the basketball team, then I'll be happy.

Once I graduate, then I'll be happy.

Once I find a job, then I'll be happy.

Once I get my MBA, then I'll be happy.

Once I get promoted, then I'll be happy.

Once I've traveled to Europe with my partner, then I'll be happy.

Once I get married, then I'll be happy.

Once we buy a house by the beach, then I'll be happy.

Once we have our first child, then I'll be happy.

Once we get a Tesla Model S, then I'll be happy.

Once I can get my weight down to 70kg, then I'll be happy.

Once I can surf 5-foot waves, then I'll be happy.

Once I can turn my side hustle into my full-time job, then I'll be happy.

Once I have 100,000 Twitter followers, then I'll be happy.

Once my podcast gets 100,000 monthly listeners, then I'll be happy.

Once my business makes $1M ARR, then I'll be happy.

Once I get a book deal, then I'll be happy.

Once I can afford to get my kid into private school, then I'll be happy.

Once I have enough net worth to be an accredited investor, then I'll be happy.

Once my business makes $2M ARR, then I'll be happy.

Once I'm acknowledged by my industry peers, then I'll be happy.

Once we have a second child, then I'll be happy.

Once we can resolve our marital issues, then I'll be happy.

Once I get my deadlift up to 100kg, then I'll be happy.

Once my business makes $3M ARR, then I'll be happy.

Once my children turn 18, and are out of the house, then I'll be happy.

Once I can afford to put my children through college, then I'll be happy.

Once my kids get good jobs, then I'll be happy.

Once I get over my health issues, then I'll be happy.

Once I have $1M in my 401K, then I'll be happy.

Once my kids get married, then I'll be happy.

Once I have grandkids, then I'll be happy...

You will never be happy if you constantly outsource your happiness to future and external events.

The goalposts will forever be shifting.

Learn to be happy being who you are today while becoming someone else tomorrow.

Life is too short to forever outsource our happiness to a future that never arrives.